Irradiation Interspinous ligaments

Interspinous ligament irradiation - The anatomical tables for the most demanding osteopaths

The interspinous ligaments connect the spinous processes between one vertebra and the other.

These ligaments are delimited anteriorly by the flavo ligament and posteriorly by the supraspinatus one.

The interspinous ligament is thickest in the lumbar spine.

Thanks to these brand new anatomical tables designed by an osteopath for osteopaths, it is possible to quickly visualize the irradiation of pain with the afferent interspinous ligaments.

Born from the training and clinical experience of physiotherapists and osteopaths, these posters allow you to visualize the areas of irradiation of the interspinous ligaments.

Osteoposter Interspinous ligament irradiation for students

Students will appreciate the osteoposter on the irradiation of interspinous ligaments for the immediacy of the information that can be found, the vertebra on which it is innervated is associated with each anatomical district, in order to provide the territory on which to work very quickly.

Osteoposter Interspinous ligament irradiation for osteopaths

Osteopaths find in osteoposter on the irradiation of interspinous ligaments a very useful reminder during the course of their professional activity, and a very precious aid in communicating with patients, to quickly provide explanations about their pathology and related therapy.

How are osteoposters made on irradiation of interspinous ligaments?

The osteoposter on the irradiation of the interspinous ligaments are made in 50x70cm format, horizontally or vertically, in wear and humidity resistant roller material.

On request they are also available in forex.

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